Empowering Self-Care: International Women's Day 2024

Introduction: Honoring Our Strength

Hello, my wonderful readers! As we step into this special blog post, I invite you to join me in celebrating International Women’s Day. As women, we wear many hats—mothers, sisters, wives, teachers, mentors,  travelers, visual storytellers, creators, dreamers. But amidst it all, we must remember to pause, reflect, and honor our strength. Let’s dive into how self-care becomes an act of empowerment.


1. The Power of Stillness: A Tribute to Women

Rest as Resistance

I’ve learned that rest is not a sign of weakness; it’s an act of resistance. In a world that demands constant hustle, choosing stillness is revolutionary. We are not anyone’s mule or workhorse. We’re not a statue monument to our accomplishments. We are in fact human and NOT MAGICAL.


We stand on the shoulders of the queens who came before us, stripped of the ability to just rest. They were too busy doing what they had to do. But I also know my ancestors also knew the power of rest. Even if for a few hours in church, they, too, knew that sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is pause.


Reflecting on Our Legacy

As I sit in stillness, I think of the women who helped shape me into who I am; their unwavering determination and loving, nurturing spirit—they’ve left imprints on our collective souls. So, let’s honor them by taking intentional moments of rest.


2. Setting Boundaries: A Woman’s Right

Quality Over Quantity (Always)

As women, we have the right to set boundaries. It’s not about saying no to everything; it’s about saying yes to what truly matters. I’ve realized that juggling too many tasks simultaneously isn’t sustainable. So, I choose quality over quantity. And you know what? My brain fog clears, my anxiety decreases, and I regain clarity.


Daily Rituals for Empowerment

•           Meditation Minutes: Each morning, I ground myself through meditation. It’s my way of connecting with the strength within. I can only do 5 minutes of guided sessions through the Balance App, or my mind starts to wander.

•           Brain Dump: My notebook becomes a confidante. I spill my thoughts, stresses, hopes, and dreams onto those pages, freeing my mind.

•           Prioritization: I select three tasks—the ones that align with my purpose. These become my focus for the day.

•           Journaling: Whether it’s 1st thing in the morning or just before bed, I journal. It’s a conversation with myself—recapping my day or just venting.


3. Journaling: Our Collective Story

The Power of Words

Journaling isn’t just about ink on paper; it’s about preserving our stories. I think of my African Ancestry and the importance of the village griot. The oral and written history passed down for generations.


I want my descendants to find me one day too! My ancestors held in bondage were forbidden to learn how to read and write. So, I cherish every single piece of info I can learn about them. And I beam with pride finding my 4th great grandfather’s published rebuttal to the governor of South Carolina’s unjust removal of him as trial justice, who in his opinion, disagreed with his “administration of justice to ALL citizens. Regardless of race and social stature!”


So, there it is, a key indicator for my need to “document everything!”


Writing makes it real.


The Unfinished eBook: Permission to Live Life Documented

I have a nearly finished eBook on journaling and it’s exciting. It’s not merely about productivity; it’s about leaving a legacy. As I add images to correspond with the text, I imagine sparking someone else’s journey. We’re part of an ongoing narrative. We matter!


4. Exciting Projects Ahead: 3rd and 4th Quarter 2024

Spilling the Beans (Just a Little)

I won’t reveal all the details, but exciting things await! I’m putting together a workshop and the plan is to do several in different places.


As women, we’ve always been creators, visionaries, and change-makers. As I refine my project plan, I’m channeling the same initiative and going against the grain mentality that fueled my generation of feral kids turned loose all day to wander and “figure out this thing called life.”


When I say we were outside, WE WERE OUTSIDE!!


Now, with many of us approaching or in the throughs of menopause or long past it, I implore all to be still.


And Rest!


Navigating Confused Friends: Our Bold Choices


Being still sometimes calls for solitude away from folks you hold near. Some friends may question my solitude or the relentless pursuit to live intently. But I stand firm. There’s peacefulness in solitude and as a true introverted/extrovert, I emerge for social functions, then retreat into my sanctuary.


“Peopling” can be exhausting at times. Also, my mind is a machine, and my thoughts have to make it to paper for planning and execution. I may tell y’all a joke, but I’ll never tell a lie.


When I say I’m going to do something I usually find a way. Even when it involves a failed attempt or two. And I believe in the words of one of my favorite authors: “She believed she could, so she did.”


Feel free to infuse your personal experiences and anecdotes into this framework. Happy Selfcare Sunday and post International Day of the Woman (for me it’s every day). Enjoy the accompanying photo I took on a day of self-care and nature bathing in a beautiful, tranquil park on a sunny clear day with clouds so big and puffy, that I felt as if I could reach out and touch them!


I hope my words resonate with women around the world! 🌟📝✨

Angel C

Hello, I’m Angel, and I’m delighted to share a bit about myself with you:

I proudly served as a United States Marine for 20 years, where I learned the values of discipline, dedication, and attention to detail that I now bring to my work.

I’m a devoted mom to my wonderful son and a proud grandmother to three amazing grandchildren. Family is at the heart of everything I do.

My educational journey led me to The George Washington University, where I earned a Graduate Certificate in Public Relations, honing my effective communication and storytelling skills.

I pursued my passion for visual arts and storytelling at the New York Film Academy, completing a Photography Visual Arts 1 Year Conservatory program. Additionally, I delved into the world of film through the New York Film Academy’s Film Program.

As a Certified Professional Life Coach, I’m dedicated to helping individuals find their path and achieve their goals.

My heart belongs to visual storytelling, paper crafts, and travel. I’m deeply passionate about capturing and preserving moments and curating memories that last a lifetime.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to not only sharing my creative journey with you, but helping you craft and share yours as well!


Embracing Women and Nature: Enduring Strength and Renewal


🌍✈️ Embracing the World: My Unconventional Journey